About The Reading Blog

The Reading Blogger at Lake PlacidHello! Welcome to The Reading Blog. A collection of reflections by an avid reader with an omnivore’s appetite for different subjects and media. Simply put, this is where I write about what I think are good books and interesting articles from newspapers, journals, and miscellaneous Websites. I write because otherwise I will forget and because it’s slightly more proactive than just nodding approval or yelling at the printed words.

I have a B.A. in Biology, a Ph.D. in Cellular and Developmental Biology, and I worked for 4 years as a postdoctoral researcher in various laboratories. I left the lab and academic scene about 12 years ago to enter the fascinating world of biomedical communications and continuing medical education. Currently, I earn my living as a professional freelance biomedical writer.

After my family, friends, and ice skating, my next greatest love is reading. I am a reader of fiction (mostly contemporary, science fiction, and fantasy), memoir, and non-fiction books. I also read or at least scan the table of contents of many newspapers, journals, and magazines. When I am not suspending my imagination to enjoy fiction, I read with a liberal-pacifist-feminist bent and a keen scientific eye to untangle the real facts from speculation and unsupported extrapolation. My reading interests also lean toward issues related to social justice.

I hope that you will peruse this Blog, contribute some comments, and return regularly to read the latest posts.


Monica Nicosia

The Reading Blogger

© 2009, Monica Nicosia.

One Response

  1. great blog! I really enjoy your insight!

    Barack Obama and The Party That Can’t Lose

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